First Vaccines Administered!


The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has finalized the Phase 1a Vaccine Sequencing Plan and vaccines are now being administered to frontline health care workers!

While heartening, keep in mind that we are still months away from wider distribution. Let's continue to practice COVID safety since the situation remains dire. And let's keep advocating for early vaccination opportunities for workers most at risk and Latinx and other communities of color who face higher infection and mortality rates.

Vaccine Info Session: View the recording of a recent FB live with OHA Public Health Director Rachael Banks and Senior Health Advisor Dr. Paul Cieslak answering questions about the new vaccines, such as: how will people know when to receive their shots, how long does it last, will it be available at no cost, is it safe and effective, what are the side effects, and many more.

Oregon's Vaccinations Planning Page


29 Counties Still in Extreme Risk Category


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