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About Poder Health Equity Collective
Working Collaboratively to Make Health Care Better for Latinos in Oregon
The PODER Health Equity Collective (PHEC) is dedicated to improving the health of Latinos and assists the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) in meeting the goal and expectations of Medicaid policy. Our mission is to serve as an Advisory Board for policymakers and participating CCO. We connect CCOs to their Latino patients, providers, and local programs.
The PODER Health Equity Collective a not-for-profit, tax-exempt community governance entity.
It is time for Latino organizations to transition from being advisors to decision-makers. We have the expertise and leadership to achieve these goals.
Improve the trust Latino people feel in accessing government-funded services.
Effectively communicate public health messages to Oregon’s Spanish-speaking population.
Improve health equity and outcomes for all Latinos in Oregon.
Make the connection between health systems and social services for Latinos.
Latino Provider Association
The Latino Provider Association (LPA), held its Inaugural Membership Assembly and Town Hall on January 26, 2024, at the OHSU School of Nursing.
It was an inspiring moment!
The solidarity and commitment of Latino healthcare providers from every part of Oregon and many disciplines embraced a future where Latino students and new providers had a new community of support. It was time for our story to be your story.
“We believe that the LPA will bridge the culturally specific needs of our community and the limitations of the current health system.”
In ten years, the LPA will have thousands of Latino providers who will transform health care. Latinos will have greater access to health care where they live and work. Traditional healthcare practices will be honored and reimbursable. The provider workforce will have sufficient providers who specialize in bi-lingual, bi-cultural care in all disciplines.
The Latino Provider Association will support Latino providers, patients, and their communities.
Members will be able to share information, support referral networks for Latino providers/patients, and participate in shared initiatives.
Clinical Advisory Panel
The role of the Clinical Advisory Panel (CAP) is to ensure broad community provider advocacy and engagement while encouraging providers to build networks of care that enhance patient outcomes consistent with the goals of the Triple Aim: better health, better care, and lower cost.
PODER's Clinical Advisory Panel will engage providers to solve challenges specific to Oregon's Latino population. These challenges include trust, culturally specific care, and home/community-based care.
The priority 2024 initiative is to grow the Latino Provider Association (LPA). They are leading the planning for the June Health Equity Collective Summit.
Community ADvocacy Committee
The voices of our members and the communities we serve are very important to us. Our Community Advocacy Council (CAC) engages with our members and the partners who serve them. As a member of the CAC, you can have a voice in your health plan.
The 2024 priority of the CAC is working with the Marion Co. Latino Closed Loop Referral Network to expand this referral system to culturally specific providers and Community Benefit Organizations (CBOs) statewide. The CAC is leading the work on planning for the September Latino Provider Forum on
The CACs’ duties include:
Giving important feedback on local health issues such as health equity, access to preventive care, our work in social drivers of health — such as access to food, housing and climate — and more.
Finding ways to improve State programs, improve the programs of participating CCO and suggesting future programs that PODER should initiate.
Advising the Board of Directors on how to respond to members’ needs and plan for community health.
Organizing activities and projects that are open to and impact Latinos around Oregon.
Helping with community health needs assessment and the regional health improvement plans where we have CCO partners.