Washington County: Funding Opportunity

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Resources for CBOs to Support Vaccination and Recovery Efforts of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Other Communities of Color

Opportunity: Washington County has funding for community-based organizations (CBOs) to support vaccination efforts, as well as provide social services and wraparound supports to help communities recover from the mental, physical, financial, and other impacts of COVID-19. This funding will focus on Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and other communities of color.

Funding: Up to $150,000, depending on the project. Funding will primarily support staff time, for example adding a part-time or full-time person to do this work or charging an hourly rate. Some funding can also be used for supplies, media, or materials for the community. Although the work will need to focus on vaccine efforts initially, resources can support other community needs as well.

Timeline: Applications accepted on a rolling basis until the end of June. Goal is to get funds out to organizations quickly, and contract with organizations for one year (through end of June 2022).

How to submit: Go here and download application. Send an email with all documents listed below to Genevieve_ellis@co.washington.or.us and Kathleen_Johnson@co.washington.or.us.

  1. Application (PDF)

  2. Draft Budget

  3. Budget Narrative


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