Advocates Call on State to Do More to Address Vaccine Gap for Latinx Oregonians


Latinx Leaders Call on State for Changes to Address Disparity in Vaccination Rates

In Oregon, Latinos have the lowest vaccination rate, despite being over-represented in case counts. This gap is reflected nationwide.

On April 15, Latinx leaders in Oregon came together to call on the state to do more to close the vaccination gap for Oregon's Latinx community, who have also carried the burden of the highest COVID case rates. Among many recommendations, are:

  • Create a solid goal and benchmark for the number of Latinx people who will be vaccinated moving forward.

  • Reduce registration barriers by funding a Spanish-language registration hotline, together with culturally specific organizations.

  • Partner with organizations in planning and holding community vaccination events in familiar, nearby areas.

  • Financially support culturally specific organizations to staff Latinx community vaccination events.

  • Health care systems should prioritize equity and outreach to their Latinx patients.

See coverage: OregonLive; OPB; KGW; Lund Report
See Oregon vaccination trend data here
See April 28 OHA presentation to legislature on their plans to address disparities in vaccinating Latinx Oregonians.

With cases rising, we must act swiftly and intentionally to ensure equitable vaccination rates for Latinx Oregonians.


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