Vaccine Sequencing: All Adult Oregonians


Phase 2 Vaccination Progress

Nationally, nearly 574,700 people have died from COVID-19, and 2,508 Oregonians have died. We honor and grieve for those we've lost and those who love and care for them. Case counts are rising in Oregon with more contagious variants circulating, so it is important to get vaccinated and maintain safety protocols!

Vaccine Progress Report: More than 1,314,220 Oregonians are fully vaccinated, meaning 30.5% of Oregonians are now vaccinated. And more than 1,870,640 have had at least one dose.

See Oregon's vaccinations dashboard here.
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Vaccine Eligibility: All Oregonians Age 16+ are now eligible.

  • You do NOT need to be a U.S. citizen to get the vaccine.

  • Getting the vaccine will NOT affect your immigration status or count as a public charge.

  • You do not need to have or provide a social security number.

  • You do not need to have identification.

  • Insurance is not required. Bring insurance card if you have one.

Eligibility Under 16: Children now constitute more than 22% of new COVID cases nationally. The FDA is expected to approve the COVID vaccine for young people ages 12-15 in the next week. Pfizer also plans to submit authorization requests soon for ages 5-11 and ages 2-5. See NPR story here.


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