Federal & State Relief Resources


Key Relief Resources to Know About

With the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) $1.9 trillion in additional resources will become be available to states to help meet community recovery needs. See this summary of key provisions in the ARPA from Jim White, Executive Director of the Nonprofit Association of Oregon.

Also, check out this interactive tool from the National Conference of State Legislatures that shows how state legislatures have been and are using federal COVID-relief resources.

Worker, Small Business, & Nonprofit Resources:

Housing Resources:

Nutrition Resources:

COVID-19-Related Funeral Assistance: FEMA financial assistance for funeral related expenses incurred after January 20, 2020. See link for expenses that qualify. While the applicant must be a "citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified alien," that requirement does not apply to the person who is deceased. Video with more info here.


How to Find A Vaccine


Vaccine Sequencing: All Adult Oregonians