Vaccination Progress


61% of Oregonians 16 and Older At Least Partially Vaccinated

Nationally, nearly 588,400 people have died from COVID-19, and 2,628 Oregonians have died. We honor and grieve for those we've lost and those who love and care for them.

Vaccine Progress Report: More than 1,755,300 Oregonians are fully vaccinated, and more than 2,182,229 have at least one dose. In total, 53.4% of Oregonians have received at least one dose (61.0% of those 16 and older, 64.3% of those 18+) and 42.9% of Oregonians are now fully vaccinated (50.1% of those 16 and older).

See vaccination progress dashboards here:

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Vaccine Eligibility: All Oregonians Age 12+ are now eligible.

  • You do NOT need to be a U.S. citizen to get the vaccine.

  • Getting the vaccine will NOT affect your immigration status or count as a public charge.

  • You do not need to have or provide a social security number.

  • You do not need to have identification.

  • Insurance is not required. Bring insurance card if you have one.

County Risk Levels: The Governor announced a 70% statewide vaccination of those 18+ to fully reopen, and starting May 21, counties will be able to move to the Lower Risk level when they:

  • reach 65% of ages 16+ having received their first vaccine dose

  • submit a complete plan to OHA for closing vaccine equity gaps

Five counties reached those thresholds and moved to Lower Risk starting May 21: Benton, Deschutes, Hood River, Lincoln, and Washington. Multnomah moves to Lower Risk this week. See risk levels for May 17 - June 3 here.

Counties will be eligible for state resources to help achieve these goals, and will be eligible for additional funding as they demonstrate making progress towards closing their equity gaps.

Oregon COVID Mask Requirements: Mask requirements no longer apply to anyone who is outdoors. People who are fully vaccinated will no longer be required to wear a mask indoors, but that only applies in situations where individuals’ vaccination status is checked. Businesses and venue operators can establish more restrictive mask policies at their own discretion.

Visit the Governor's Information Site for links to county risk levels, current guidance by activity at each level, and more.


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