Work Search Requirements Back by July 31

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Unemployment Requirements Being Phased Back In

Claimants Must File New Claim if Close to One-Year: As claimants laid off from their employer reach the one-year mark on their Regular UI claim, they will need to file a new claim for benefits, even if they had little or no income in the past year. If claimants do not file a new claim for benefits, federal rules require that OED stop paying benefits.

Updated Work Search Requirements: Certain unemployment benefit requirements were paused or changed during the pandemic. They are being phased back in this summer. Oregon’s work search requirements for UI applicants are:

  • Register and complete a job seeker profile in

  • Report work-seeking activities on your weekly unemployment claims.

  • Have a Welcome Conversation with a WorkSource Oregon staff member.

Everyone getting regular UI benefits is required to report work-seeking activities by July 31. If you do not report work-seeking activities on your weekly claim that week, your benefits will stop. The deadlines to register in iMatchSkills and have your Welcome Conversation are happening on a rolling basis. If you’ve been receiving benefits, you should be getting a letter with your deadlines.

Learn More & Register for Webinar on June 10 Here

If you have any questions about this process, OED is hosting a webinar on next Thursday, June 10 at 1 pm. The agency will provide more in-depth information on what you need to know regarding work search requirements. It will be simultaneously interpreted in Spanish.


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