2021-2023 Biennium Budget Development

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Continue to Speak Up for Equitable Distribution of Resources for the Latinx Community!

Oregon's Budget Virtual Hearings wrapped up last week, but you can still reach out to your representatives or the committee members. Help shape the 2021-23 biennium budget and Oregon's use of federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), of which Oregon will receive $2.6 billion for state investments, by asking that critical services are protected and key investments are made to address inequities and pandemic recovery. The committee expressed particular interest in hearing how equity can be embedded in Oregon's budget.

Budget Resources:

Important Note: A recent agreement was reached that for some federal ARPA funds, each legislator will direct an allocation for their district. State Senators will direct $4 million each; Representatives will direct $2 million each. This means budget advocacy with your own legislators is important too! See OPB story here.


Oregon Gains 6th Congressional District


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