Oregon Gains 6th Congressional District


Census & Redistricting Updates

On April 26, initial Census data was released and with a 10% increase in our population, Oregon will receive a 6th seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. This means carving the state into six districts, rather than five, for the first time in 40 years. The count will also shift how state Legislature's Senate and House districts are drawn, as each Senate District will now need to include ~141,000 people. Redistricting happens once every 10 years based on census data, and is often a contentious process. See OPB story here.

The state now has until Sept. 27 to complete the redistricting process (4-6 weeks after the full data will be available). If legislators cannot agree or are otherwise unable to meet the deadline, then redistricting becomes the responsibility of Sec. of State Shemia Fagan. See OPB story here.

See the Legislature’s redistricting website for information, a map of current districts, committee information, and more. Speak up for equitable representation!


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