*Due Soon* Proposals for Congressionally Directed Spending


First Time in a Decade; Opportunity for Nonprofits to Seek Targeted Federal Funding

The Senate Appropriations Committee will accept Congressionally Directed Spending on a bipartisan basis for federal spending bills for the next fiscal year--the first time this type of spending has been approved in a decade. This presents opportunity for organizations to seek federal funding for community initiatives.

Senator Merkley: deadline to submit requests is Friday, May 7

Senator Wyden: reach out for information on their process

If your organization has an idea or a proposal for Congressionally Directed Spending for the 2022 federal appropriations cycle, prioritize, be strategic (Merkley's priorities and positions; Wyden's positions) and reach out to the Senators' regional offices right away.

Important Note on Transparency:

The Senate has imposed rules intended to promote transparency and will require requests submitted to the Appropriations Committee to be posted on Senators’ websites along with information from requesting organizations. Requests that are funded and enacted could also be audited by the Government Accountability Office, requiring organizations to making publicly available their financial records to demonstrate how the funding was used.


*Open Until May 17* Landlord Compensation Fund, Round 2


New Updates to County Risk Levels: Effective May 7 - May 13