Note: The date for this event has been corrected from a previous version of the newsletter.
Have you had a health care appointment by phone or video? Have you tried, but not been able to get care by phone or video because you don’t have access to a phone or good access to video or the internet? Oregon Health Authority and Department of Consumer and Business Services want to hear from you.
You can join the listening session Saturday, Dec. 5, at 2 p.m., to share about your experience with phone and video health care appointments. Your feedback will help the state plan for improvements to phone and video health care right now and in the future.
How to join the meeting:
By video: Join via Zoom.
By phone: Dial 669-254-5252. When prompted, enter access code 617006095#.
The meeting will be live captioned in English. Interpreters are available; please contact Amanda Peden at least three days before the meeting. Can’t make it? Send your input by email to