*Update* 2021-2023 Revenue Forecast & Budget Development

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Speak Up for Equitable Distribution of Resources for the Latinx Community

Latest Revenue Forecast & K-12 School Fund: On May 19, Oregon's Office of Economic Analysis released a forecast projecting more than $1 billion in additional tax revenue during the current biennium as well as the following two. This is in addition to the $2.6 billion Oregon is receiving in federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). See slide presentation here and OPB story here. As the final forecast of the session, it provides legislators more flexibility in finalizing the budget for the 2021-23 biennium. This week, the Senate passed the K-12 State School Fund at a $9.3 billion funding floor for the next biennium--advocates are calling for stronger funding to keep districts whole.

The legislature now moves into the final stages of the session: all agency budgets are finalized, capital projects are chosen, and policy bills that create new or enhanced programs that cost money find their landing spot on the priority list.

Speak up about your priorities with legislators now! With the new forecast, decisions are being made now on how to allocate the additional funds. Reach out to your representatives or the Ways and Means committee members to influence the 2021-23 budget. Ask that critical services are protected and key investments are made to address inequities and pandemic recovery. The Governor, many legislators, and the committee have expressed particular interest in embedding equity into Oregon's budget.

Budget Resources:


Free COVID Testing Statewide


Oregon Gains 6th Congressional District