UO Journalism Graduate Student COVID-19 Research: Share Your Story

Coronavirus Historia.png

Cuentanos tu historia sobre el coronavirus

Silvia Pereida is a graduate student at University of Oregon Journalism School conducting a research study examining how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the life of the Hispanic / Latino community in Oregon.

If you live in Oregon and identify with the Latino/a/x / Hispanic community, you are invited to participate in the interview for this research. Your information will be confidential. This study aims to include lived experiences of participants identifying as part of the Latino community which has been disproportionately impacted by coronavirus.

The audio interview is estimated to take no more than 45 minutes to complete and will be conducted online (Skype / Zoom / Microsoft Teams) or by phone, without in-person meeting required. The camera will be shut down, and the audio portion of the interview will be recorded. No personal information will be asked or recorded.

For more information and to participate please contact Silvia Pereida at spereida@uoregon.edu.


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