Redistricting: Timeline Extended

Oregon Redistricting.gif

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In an April 9 unanimous decision, the Oregon Supreme Court agreed with the Legislature’s request to extend the timeline for redistricting due to the delay in getting data from the federal census. The state now has until Sept. 27 to complete the process (4-6 weeks after the data is available). If the Legislature cannot agree or is otherwise unable to meet the deadline, then redistricting becomes the responsibility of Sec. of State Shemia Fagan. See OPB story here.

Redistricting is the once-a-decade process of redrawing the U.S. House of Representatives (Congressional) and Oregon State Senate and State House of Representatives (Legislative) district boundaries to account for changes in population.

Oregon’s population growth makes it likely to receive an additional seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, which would mean carving the state into six districts, rather than five. It’s been 40 years since Oregon last got an additional congressional seat, making redistricting especially important this year.

See the Legislature’s redistricting website for information, a map of current districts, committee information, and more. Speak up for equitable representation!


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