Phase 1B, Group 7 Vaccinations Underway

Accelerated Vaccine Sequencing.png

Nationally, we are approaching 560,000 deaths from COVID-19, and 2,446 Oregonians have died. We honor and grieve for those we've lost and those who love and care for them. Case counts have been rising with more contagious variants circulating, so it is important to maintain safety protocols!

Oregon Vaccine Progress Report:

More than 2,316,100 first and second vaccine doses have been administered, with more than 916,200 fully vaccinated.

As of April 10, the percentage of residents who have received at least one dose statewide is nearly 35%. Lincoln County had the highest percentage at 45%, followed by Hood River County and Deschutes County (Bend). The lowest percentage was in Umatilla County at 21.4%. Oregon women are much more likely to be vaccinated: 57% so far have been women, and 43% men.

On April 13, OHA, in accordance with CDC recommendations, has asked all vaccine providers to immediately pause administering the Johnson & Johnson vaccine due to six reported adverse events. While it appears to be extremely rare, the pause allows time to investigate out of an abundance of caution. See OHA's FAQ on the pause here.

See Oregon's vaccinations dashboard here.

Questions? Learn more at

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Vaccine Eligibilty:

  • You do NOT need to be a U.S. citizen to get the vaccine.

  • Getting the vaccine will NOT affect your immigration status or count as a public charge.

  • You do not need to have or provide a social security number.

  • You do not need to have identification.

  • Insurance is not required.

Phase 1A: Health care workers; Adults in custody

Phase 1B, Groups 1-6:

  • Group 1: Educators and child care providers

  • Groups 2-5: Seniors 65+

  • Group 6:

  • Adults 45–64 with one or more underlying health conditions with increased risk as defined by the CDC

  • Migrant and seasonal farm workers

  • Seafood and agricultural workers

  • Food processing workers

  • People living in low-income senior housing, senior congregate and independent living

  • People experiencing houselessness (sheltered & unsheltered)

  • People currently displaced by wildfires

  • Wildland firefighters

Phase 1B, Group 7:

  • All other frontline workers as defined by CDC

  • Multigenerational household members

  • Adults 16–44 with one or more underlying health conditions - expanded to include all conditions that increase or might increase risk per the CDC

Phase 2: April 19 Eligibility

  • All Oregonians age 16+


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