COVID Vaccine Access: Resources & Scheduling
Vaccines are No Cost
In Oregon, patients are not charged for the vaccine or the provider’s cost of administering it, whether they have commercial insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or no insurance at all. See state public health director's order.
Options for Transportation:
If you are enrolled in Oregon Health Plan (OHP) either with a Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) managed-care plan or under an OHP Open Card (fee for service) plan, you can use Non-Emergent Medical Transportation (NEMT) to get to a clinic and get back home. Here is a map of NEMT brokerages. Call them directly to schedule a ride.
If you are an older adult or an adult with a physical disability, there may also be other services in your community to assist with transportation. To learn more:
See the Aging and Disability Resource Connection for what community-based transportation and other services are available to assist you.
If you receive in-home services through the Oregon Department of Human Services or Office of Aging and People with Disabilities, you may ask your Medicaid-funded in-home provider to take you to a clinic and to wait with you at the clinic.
Am I Eligible? The Get Vaccinated Oregon tool is open to all Oregonians and available in Spanish and 10 other languages. Use this tool to:
Determine if you are currently eligible to receive a vaccine.
Sign up to get alerts with important vaccine eligibility updates.
Create an account and find a vaccination provider when you are eligible (don’t forget to check the box that reads “Create profile with this info" in order to access additional information).
List of eligible groups is here.
Where Can I Get Other Vaccine Questions Answered?
This is the main OHA COVID Vaccine site with multiple vaccine resources. Go to this site to:
Use the chat bot in English or Spanish (click the orange circle at the bottom right of the page) to learn about your vaccine eligibility or ask vaccine-related questions.
Find facts about vaccines and review frequently asked questions.
Get county-specific links and a statewide calendar of public vaccination clinics.
And for users in Clackamas, Columbia, Marion, Multnomah, or Washington Counties, schedule appointments through tools hosted by local health care providers.
You can also reach 211 in English or Spanish in one of the following ways. Free interpretation is available by phone for all other languages:
Text ORCOVID to 898211 to get text/SMS updates
Call 211 or 1-866-698-6155, open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, including holidays. There is an option to get a call back rather than wait on hold. TTY: Dial 711 or 1-866-698-6155.
Please DO NOT contact your health care provider or local hospital about where to get a vaccine; please utilize the tools here instead.
How Are Older Adults Getting Vaccinated?
Local public health authorities or their partners, hospitals, public vaccination clinics and in long-term care facilities.
Retail pharmacies for some people; and some pharmacy partners will be doing vaccination clinics at senior residencies and care facilities (ask the facilitator operator when a clinic will be scheduled).
In most counties, older adults won’t be able to get vaccinated at a doctor’s office, though some counties are making that possible. Options depend on the county.
Scheduling for Clackamas, Columbia, Marion, Multnomah, and Washington Counties
For these counties, new appointments come available 9am Monday through Thursday through the vaccination tool at Vaccines are currently open to the following individuals and groups:
People in Phase 1A
Educators in 1B
Individuals 70+ starting 2/22
For appointments at the PDX Airport Drive-Through Site go to: Priority groups at this location will be:
Paid and unpaid caregivers (including family members or foster parents) of medically fragile children or adults who live at home.
Adults and age-eligible children who have a medical condition or disability who receive services at home.
Age-eligible groups with mobility challenges
Statewide Scheduling
County Sites/Events: All Oregonians can go to and link to your county to get connected to the latest county-specific vaccine access information.
Pharmacies: The Federal Retail Pharmacy Program is an effort to increase access to COVID-19 vaccinations. Shipments have started arriving at 127 retail pharmacies in Oregon with locations in 27 of Oregon’s 36 counties. This includes 103 Safeway/Albertsons locations, 13 Costco locations, and 11 Health Mart pharmacies. These partners will screen for the appropriate age band per Oregon’s vaccine plan, starting with people 75 and older. Eligible Oregonians can make appointments at these retailers’ websites below.
Health Marts will need to be contacted directly at individual stores.
Please note that these pharmacy sites are currently only scheduled to receive 100 doses per week.
If you’re part of the Kaiser system, you can register directly with them at their site.
Winter Weather Delays
Winter weather conditions have delayed distribution of vaccines and reduced the number of vaccines given in recent days. Despite this Oregon averaged more than 14,000 vaccines per day over the last week and remains on schedule to open vaccines to people 70 and older on Monday, Feb 22.